Thursday, January 21, 2010

Grand Opening

Welcome to my blog. If you're reading this you either somehow mistakenly stumbled upon this page or I have bribed you in some manner to follow it. Either way, thanks for stopping-by.

This blog will primarily consist of my critiques regarding the worlds of sports, music, movies, and food. I know, not the most original of topics, but those are the areas that truly have a passion for. While far from an 'expert' on any of those topics (the Brendan of 15+ years ago was a sports encyclopedia), I hope to present an intelligent, humorous, informative, and entertaining viewpoint. I welcome your feedback, whether it be positive or negative. Though this blog is for me, if I don't receive emails or posts saying I'm the best (thanks, I know) or I suck (f*ck you) or you have no idea what you're talking about (more than likely), etc., I would consider this a bit of a failure as I hope my writing has enough thought, passion, humor, or insightfullness to illicit some type of responses in others.

I'm a big 'list' person. I love making Top 10 (or 5 or pick a number) lists of favorite things or "greatest *insert topic*". So, be prepared for plenty of "Top 10 Pizza Joints", "Top 5 Quarterbacks", type lists as this blog progresses.

And I must preface by saying I love to criticize. Even though I have a long laundry list of faults and imperfections, it's never stopped me from being critical of things I have an interest in. One might say I'm a snob in regards to the music I listen to or food I eat..that wouldn't be far off. But, for me, that just means that the music and movies I love, the athletes I admire, the pizza I long for, all have a special place for me because they are few and far between.

Thanks again for taking an interest (at least for now) in my musings. To start things off I'm going to have my Top 10 Favorite Albums list. My review of #10 should be posted later tonight.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot to list the Moffats as your favorite band... I think she likes me and I know I like her!!!!
